

Hi, I’m Madison

My last name, Aichele, is pronounced like Michael without the ‘m’). I get that question all the time, so it felt right to lead with that information. I’m the wife of a Nashville musician, cat mom to Ella, writer of words, introverted soul, and faith-led human.

I’m deeply honored you’re here, reading my story, and taking the time to get to know me. I hope I get to connect with you in the same intentional way.

What you’re looking at today is a years-long journey to something that felt like home – something that could reflect who I truly was and wanted to become.

Getting here wasn’t easy. My journey into adulthood was riddled with difficult lessons (some self-induced and others thrust upon me). I was following what looked like the “right” path but felt entirely wrong. I knew almost immediately from the weight that settled into my bones.

I was leading from a place of expectation. The expectations of others, myself, society. And it sent me spiraling down to rock bottom.

At my worst moment, I thought I would be shattered forever. The weight of expectation had me convinced that my failures would prevent me from ever seeing success in life. Oof. It was a tough pill to swallow.

But, one day, after moving back home to pick up my shattered pieces, a new idea began to bloom.

Could success be more than the sum of my achievements? Is it possible to be proud of a life that doesn’t follow the prescribed path to success?

The answer was yes. As I dug into this concept, something beautiful began to shift. I began to lead from my values instead of from obligation. I started to lead with faith, and listen to the nudges God placed on my heart. My life started to look like less of a mold and more like me.

I was free.

I was free from expectations. I was free from the pressure to perform. I was free to explore what this one incredible life could be. I was free to live on my terms, leading with faith and heart.

When you own who you are and what you have to offer, there’s a powerful shift in how you live your life. There is space for you to experience lasting fulfillment, deep trust, and courageous living without molding to someone else’s picture of what it looks like.

You have the power to choose faith and heart, too.

Because there’s more to life than checking the boxes and accepting the prescribed path to success. You’re free to live unboxed and create something totally unique and true to you. For me, the journey of dismantling deeply held expectations culminated in this.

Madison Aichele Writes

It’s my declaration of the commitment to fully operate in my strengths, on my terms, and empower others to do the same. Because I know how unfulfilling and defeating it can be when you follow THE path and not YOUR path.

This work feels sacred and freeing and I hope you walk away with the belief that it’s possible to create something you’re proud of without fitting into familiar or expected boxes.